Upper Body
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Lower Body
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Total Body
Available in days
days after you enroll

Let's create LENGTH!

As a cheerleader for 8 years, flexibility was one of the main reasons I started a yoga practice, so that I could maintain length and mobility as I went to college (little did I know how much yoga would change my life!).

In a world where we are increasingly stressed, our muscles hold more tension than ever. I think we all know what tension feels like in our body, and we know how good it feels to just get a good stretch in and how much relief we feel afterwards.

Flexibility is a slow, continuous practice that you work into, not something that develops overnight! Not only does it take time to develop, but the muscles take time to release. We often hold stretches for 10-20 seconds and expect to be less tight or have more flexibility, but that is not how it works!

Longer sustained holds are the way to achieve flexibility safely and long-term. It should not be rushed. Patience and consistency is key!

What can I expect in these flexibility classes?

Classes are categorized by the area of the body that we will be stretching. As a collective, we tend to be tight in the same areas, so some classes are designed for desk jobs, runners, etc. We still flow continuously from pose to pose, but the main focus is the sustained stretch our muscles.

I have also included how long the class is in the title so that you can incorporate it into your schedule based on how much time you have.

We focus on using the breath, as well as some muscle contraction, to lengthen the muscles in our bodies that become tight in our day to day activities. In some of the classes, blocks and foam rollers to further deepen your stretch, but feel free to go without them or to use what you have - you can get really creative, I promise!

There is a delicate balance between length and strength, so balance these slow sustained holds with some vinyasa and strength based flows for optimal balance in the body.

If you're wanting to gain more flexibility in your body, I suggest doing these flows 3-4 times per week in the area that you really need it. To maintain length throughout the entire body, incorporate them as you feel called to, perhaps 1-2 times per week.