From my home to yours.

I know that it's hard to make it to a yoga class or workout class in person. I know that it's hard to make time in your busy schedule to meditate. I also understand that you may just not want to leave your home, that you travel often, or that you're on a budget.

This platform allows you to start to incorporate tools that can change your life, wherever you are and no matter your busy schedule.

A new video uploaded each month.

For just $10/month, my online platform includes:

- Vinyasa Flows

- Gentle Flows

- Foundational Videos

- Flexibility Focused Videos

- Meditations

It's really about connecting with yourself.

I stick to four basic pillars in my daily life to achieve happiness and peace: Movement, Meditation, Nutrition, and Connection to Others. These pillars are so extremely powerful, and not only did they change my life, but they can change yours, too.

This online platform is designed to give you some of those pillars, so that you can use them as resources and incorporate them into a schedule that works for you. When you slowly start to practice these four pillars daily, you will see that you can also begin to build a better and stronger relationship to self.

"Nothing changes if nothing changes". You have to take these practical steps in order to make changes in your life.

Ultimately, it's about connecting to that person inside of you that you've lost connection with. As you make these changes and choose to make time for yourself, you slowly become a better, more connected version of you.

It's a continuous daily practice, and the effects of connecting inwards go way beyond the physical body. It's not about being a certain size, but finding this true inner peace with yourself so you can take on the outside world while also staying connected within.

My mission isn't to change you, but to help you change yourself.

I am the kind of person who likes to sweat, get my heart rate up, and move a lot to feel that I got a good workout in. In 2018 I decided to implement new workout routines, and that’s when I attended Bethany’s hot yoga class at St. Bernard’s. I am SO glad I did! She made it obvious that yoga isn’t just about stretching. Her class was an actual workout, and to be honest, it was hard (in the best way). Imagine engaging your entire body for a whole hour. Your mind. Your BREATHE. Holding the pose and feeling the muscle flex. It was challenging and I loved it. Now yoga is a daily thing that I do and it leaves me feeling refreshed every time I leave her class. Bethany is a natural born yogini. Her style fits everyone that loves yoga, or loves being active in general. Oh also, her voice is soothing, she has great energy, and her classes are super fun!

-- Aya

I have been on the yoga journey with Bethany from the beginning. I have witnessed her grow into the amazing authentic teacher she is today, knowing all along she had a calling for this practice. Her clean living lifestyle fits right in with her yoga class mantra. I have never experienced a disappointing class under Bethany’s instruction. She encourages all of her yogis to do what they can at the place they are at during each class. She offers her support in every way to ALL of her students,whether it be in a mental or physical way. In Bethany’s yoga class, no one student is better than any other student. The best way for me to completely describe her one of a kind teaching style is “Magical”! I have often said when telling others about Bethany’s yoga class expedite everything, “I’d follow her to the end of the Earth to attend her classes!” My only disappointment concerning her classes is I dearly wish I could practice with her everyday at my own convenience, and now that she has developed this new online yoga class, I will be able to practice my yoga right along with her whenever I like!!!!

-- Jennifer

I am a novice to the practice of yoga. Bethany is an impactful and empathetic instructor. Her ability to patiently guide one through the basics and complex while concurrently challenge us both physically and mentally is her true gift. My grade for her is an A+.

-- Alan

I have taken Bethany Davis’ yoga classes for several years and found them to be challenging and very fun. I so look forward to them that I plan my schedule accordingly. Her sequences, music, attitude and energy are so excellent. Taking her classes has made such a positive difference in my life.


I began going to yoga as a way of getting a different type of workout. Bethany’s class offers that, but so much more. She leads a class that guides you toward confidence and strength while reminding you to just breathe and not take yourself too seriously..
