What are Vinyasa Flows?

Vinyasa is a Sanskrit word that translates to English as "to place in a special way". Vinyasa styled yoga is simply a style of movement in which we move from one pose directly into the next, meaning that the transitions are more fluid.

This just means we will be moving from one pose to the next with cueing! It does not mean "fast" or "slow" or "hard", but simply that we will be connecting these powerful movements with our breath in a sequence that doesn't pause as often. For my classes, vinyasa flows could named on the part of the body we'll be focusing on and are sequenced in a safe way that builds to a pinnacle, then winds us back down.

Vinyasa flows do require some knowledge of how to do the poses and their names, so be patient with yourself and do what feels good! Or you can head over to my more gentle flows (also a vinyasa style) that take things a bit slower and also help to break down some foundational poses.

Often, this is the type of yoga you'll see in the Western world when you go into a yoga class, but the styles and variations of a "vinyasa flow" range widely.

Linking the movements with the breath is so powerful, as it takes us out of heads and into our bodies, and really allows us to connect deeply to our inner selves without as much distraction with our transitioning.

How are they categorized?

Vinyasa flows from me are categorized by time in 15 minute increments so that you can pick a shorter or longer flow depending on your schedule and how much time you have to dedicate to your practice that day.

Each class will also have a description on the area of the body it focuses on. Sometimes, a flow will focus on opening the heart, the entire body, balance, or increasing the heart rate.

Classes that are focused on the foundations or specific to flexibility/strength are in another category. While all classes are focused on the body breath connection, we really move and flow in vinyasa flows, moving sometimes at a quick pace and allowing fluidity and prana (life force and energy) to move through our physical bodies.

All of my vinyasa classes also start and end with some form of meditation to ground down in the transition of the yoga class to/from our daily lives.

All levels are welcome and modifications are given throughout class, as well as the use of props that enhance what your body can receive from the vinyasa flow.

While terminology can often be confusing, it is consistent. Vinyasa flows really allow us to connect deeper inwards and are an absolutely amazing way of incorporating a physical yoga practice!

All are welcome, my beauties!