Meditation: the single most important practice that will change your life.

"In the chaos of daily life, where are you supposed to go to get calm? Into yourself, and into your breath. You can retreat from the noisy, hectic outer world (temporarily) at any time and center within yourself. You are powerful enough to be the sanctuary for yourself without needing anyone or anything outside of yourself"

-Kimberly Snyder; You Are More Than you Think You Are

The pillar that we often neglect the most, meditation is the foundation of everything I do in my life, and it is yours, too! It is my superpower to moving through life with energy and freedom. 

Of course it is hard to be still! We've been trained from the time we were born to be distracted, to seek validation externally, and to plug our power into others instead of ourselves.

But guess what? This can be re-trained, and it can be done through consistent practice of meditation.

Meditation is like taking your power back through this consistent practice of getting to know yourself and being still (which you will eventually crave).Through this practice of stillness, you are able to move through life without getting ruffled as easily by external circumstances. That's the practicality of it. Being able to center at any time allows you to move through life with more peace, confidence, control, and power